Our Official Code of Conduct

Twin Cities Veg Fest has adoptedan official code of conduct for our event.

We want this event to be welcoming to all people, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, disability, physical appearance, body size, or dietary practice. We expect all participants, which includes all attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and volunteers, to abide by this code of conduct.

Of course, what we really want is to never have to enforce this code! We don’t expect any serious incidents at the event, but we wanted participants to know that we take these issues seriously.

We look forward to seeing you at Twin Cities Veg Fest 2012.


We Have a Logo

As you can see, we now have a logo.

Why a pig? Well, pigs are fun, friendly, intelligent animals. We hope you’ll find fun, friendly, and intelligent people at our festival.

Thanks to Heidi Prenevost, who created this logo, which is based on a logo created by Lisa Mabley.

It’s Official, the Veg Fest is Happening

As you can see from our website, the Twin Cities Veg Fest is happening. We’ll have exhibitors, free food samples, a food court, and some great speakers.

So save the date! Saturday, July 14, 10-5pm.

The festival will take place at Coffman Memorial Union, which is on the east bank of the University of Minnesota Minneapolis campus.

We’ll be posting more information over the next few months. We’re already accepting sponsors, and we’ll be accepting exhibitor applications soon.